Mapbiomas Collection Quick Export Tool

To facilitate access to coverage and transition MapBiomas data by year, the project toolkit was created. Through this toolkit available on Google Earth Engine, it is possible to export collections by biome boundary, state, county, watershed, protected areas or any other geographic boundary that the user is interested in cutting. 

Access the tutorial video to learn how to use the toolkit. Instructions are also available on Github. The following data are currently available:

Land Use and Coverage Maps


The RGB color palette of each class is available in the ArcMap and QGIS.


MapBiomas Image and Map collections are available as assets directly from Google Earth Engine without having to download or upload data.

Here are the available products and their access IDs on Google Earth Engine: 

Land Cover Land Use Maps Collection 2

ID: projects/mapbiomas-public/assets/uruguay/collection2/mapbiomas_uruguay_collection2_integration_v1

Landsat Annual Mosaics Collection 2

id: projects/MapBiomas_Pampa/MOSAICS/mosaics_c1


MapBiomas Processing Codes Depository

The codes used by MapBiomas to produce maps including classification, spatial and temporal filters, data integration, generation of transitions and calculation of statistics, among others, are available in the MapBiomas code repository on GitHub.

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