Baeza et al, 2022. Dos décadas de mapeo de coberturas terrestres en la región de pastizales del Río de la Plata: La iniciativa MapBiomas Pampa. Aplicaciones de Teledetección: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente, 28, 100834.

Vallejos, María & Gallego, Federico & Baeza, Santiago. (2021). MAPBIOMAS PAMPA SUDAMERICANO: una iniciativa trinacional para conocer los cambios en el uso y cobertura del suelo. Revista INIA, 65, 85-89.
Collection 1 of Annual Maps of Land Use and Cover of the South American Pampa Biome (2000-2019) was launched. The collection provides annual data on the dynamics of land use and land cover changes for 20 years, with 30-meter resolution. This initiative represents an important step to guarantee the mapping of land cover and land use in the temperate and subtropical grasslands of Uruguay, southern Brazil, and central-western Argentina with an unprecedented degree of spatial and temporal detail.